Happy Graduation

Congratulations to the 2014 9th grade graduating class from Colegio Bethel! It is a blessing to have another class graduate from Colegio Bethel and head onto a new path of higher education. Please keep them in your prayers as they move forward. Praise the Lord for what He allows in the lives of these youth and may He guide them as they move to Guatemala City, Xela and other towns to continue their education at a school that best suits their future career.

Jennifer Rocío Peneleu Méndez
Pedro Axel Cox Puac
Cindy Juana Balvina González Quiacaín
Juan Edilson Rocché Chavajay
Glendy Jesús Cotuc González
Kevin Eduardo García Matzar
Everaidy Carolina Ajcac Navichoc
Kevin Rafael Chiyal González
María Graciela Batz Cox
Pedro Luis Yojcom González
Silvia Karina González García
David Daniel Ajpixila Ramos
Yuma Edith Comte Mendoza
Elder Ottoniel Ajú Navichoc
Rosa Mariella Zapeta Par
Edgar Javier Zapeta Cholotío
Bilha Marisol Hernández Gutiérrez
Héctor Isaías Cortez Cotuc
Jacqueline Melynda Navichoc Rodríguez
Juan Rocché Sicay
Teodora Karina Chavajay Peneleu
Meyling María González Yojcóm