Grace Guatemala Team 2019 Update 5

Grace Guatemala Team 2019 Update 5

Another day, another greetings from Guatemala.  Today, Thursday, started as ordinary day.  We woke at 6:00 to be ready for breakfast at 7:00.   We continued our work on the expansion project moving dirt, rocks and digging holes.  We do this every day until 10:30, when we stop to learn songs for the next VBS that afternoon.  Tom Pargeter has…

Grace Guatemala Team 2019 Update 4

Grace Guatemala Team 2019 Update 4

Greetings from Guatemala!  It is Wednesday, and the temperature is a slight bit cooler today. However, by Alaska standards, it’s still Hot! We continue to work on the construction site, and it’s amazing how much work can be done with a greater number of people.  Even the little kids from the city are helping with wheelbarrows and…

Grace Guatemala Team Update 3

Grace Guatemala Team Update 3

Once again, Greetings from Guatemala!We arrived in Chuajij (Chew-ah-hee), and we were greeted with a lot of people affiliated with the church. A line of people greeted each one of us with kisses and hugs.  They made it no small thing that the Proyecto Fe team was there.  Upon arriving at the the church, a…

Grace Guatemala Team Update 2

Grace Guatemala Team Update 2

Greetings again from the Guatemala team!  We awoke this morning to find two kids had upset stomachs, but recovered by the end of the day. Our first trip of the morning was to a small cafe that was given the blessing from Pam to eat there.  They served us with pancake, bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit, orange…

Grace Guatemala Team 2019 Update 1

Grace Guatemala Team 2019 Update 1

Greetings!, from Grace Guatemala team 2019!  We have finally made it to San Pedro!  God deserves the glory for keeping a group this size together on such an arduous journey. We met Pam at the airport in Guatemala City and loaded on a large tour bus.  We then stopped and got donuts and breakfast sandwiches from…

Sponsor Team 2019

Sponsor Team 2019

I was so blessed to be able to spend generous amounts of time with the girls that we sponsor and they each brought more joy into my life than I could have ever imagined. Mary Jeanine,  9th grader, has been struggling with her walk with the Lord since before the time we began to sponsor…