On my past trips I have never been anywhere else where Gods beauty, grace, and even mercy is so powerful. For me being here on this missions trip is such a blessing from God. You get a chance to see how many different ways God has blessed us all. Even being here in Guatemala and seeing those who would look like they would be less fortunate then us back in the states, here has this very overwhelming feeling of tremendous faith coming from the locals.  Even though they don’t know us they welcome us with such open arms as if we grew up here and lived with them side by side for years. The people put so much trust in God to provide all things that are needed to help the school and the surrounding community. In all my life I have never seen people with faith strong as this.

As of now I feel as if God is sharing what seems to be bits and pieces of his plan for me. These opportunities are so powerful to those Christians like me, getting these kinds of chances to share God’s love. I came here saying “All In” and that I hopefully make a difference in these people’s lives. By showing God’s love and grace to those around me is the blessing that I have received by the lord himself and that I get these chances to glorify him only. I just hope more people feel just as blessed as I do to have such a Great God. And that by these chances me and others who come farther and grow stronger in our walk with God.

Bless You All!

Abby Martin-Laird

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