Letter from the Executive Director – Medical Clinic
“Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as faith stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” 1 Peter 4:10.
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
This month we’ll look at Proyecto Fe’s health clinic and our missionary who operates and serves at the clinic. Dr. Luz Elena embodies the two verses listed above both spiritually and literally. She is truly helping to build the kingdom of God through this ministry.
It wasn’t long after Colegio Bethel opened when God was moving to fill another need in San Pedro – the lack of health care services. In particular, for the students of Colegio Bethel.
By 2012 we had the clinic completed and located right next to the school. In 2015 we had a fulltime doctor (Luz Elena). Since then, Dr. Luz Elena has been developing this ministry and accomplishing amazing things.
Dr. Luz Elena sees about 300 patients per month including students and those who could otherwise not afford medical care. She has a part-time secretary and full-time medical assistant who help run the clinic. Dr. Luz Elena has expanded her ministry through outreach programs including village services where once a month she’ll go to a remote underserved village and provide health care for those in need. Many of these locations there have no health care services at all.
Adopt a Patient is another program Dr. Luz Elena has started. This program raises funds to provide medication and specialty costs for those who cannot afford them. An example is insulin for a diabetic patient or helping patients in need of higher levels of care. These include ancillary services, medical tests, lab work, X-Rays, specialty services and more. Often patients are sent to Xela or Guatemala City for these services. Dr. Luz Elena provides case management to help the patients navigate the medical system to ensure they are receiving the correct care.
The clinic also houses two dental rooms with a total of five dental chairs. Volunteer dental teams, headed up by Dr. Paul Biderman, travel to San Pedro to provide free dental services to the students, their families, and underserved folks in San Pedro. It is not uncommon for their team to see over 200 patients on each trip.
The clinical and dental ministries have been a blessing to many who would otherwise not be able to receive health care. It is through the supporters of Proyecto Fe that make this possible. Without your prayers and donations, this would not be possible.
God is good……. All the time!
A Dios sea la Gloria,
Kelly Leseman
Executive Director
Proyecto Fe